The full detailed program is available here.

Round Tables
- RT1 – HEP – Roadmaps to the future
- RT2 – Integration – Widening Participation
- RT3 – YM Roundtable – Career in Physics
- RT4 – YM Roundtable – Quantum and New Technologies
- RT5 – Models of Studying Physics in European Universities – Specificities in Balkan Countries
Plenary Talks [program]
Scientific Sections
- S01-NPNE Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Energy [program]
- S02-AA Astronomy and Astrophysics [program]
- S03-GC Gravitation and Cosmology [program]
- S04-AMP Atomic and Molecular Physics [program]
- S05-HEP High Energy Physics (Particles and Fields) [program]
- S06-CMPSP Condensed Matter Physics and Statistical Physics [program]
- S07-OP Optics and Photonics [program]
- S08-PGDP Plasma and Gas-Discharge Physics
- S09-TMCP Theoretical, Mathematical and Computational Physics [program]
- S10-MG Meteorology and Geophysics [program]
- S11-EPASE Environmental Physics – Alternative Sources of Energy [program]
- S12-PSSAP Physics of Socioeconomic Systems and Applied Physics [program]
- S13-BMP Biophysics and Medical Physics
- S14-PEHPP Physics Education, History and Philosophy of Physics [program]
- S15-MI Metrology and Instrumentation [program]