General Information

The 11th Conference of the Balkan Physical Union (BPU11 Congress)
will be held in Belgrade, Serbia, from 28 August to 1 September 2022.

Most of the sessions will take place at the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts – SASA.

BPU11 is organized by BPU, local coorganizers from Serbia and the European Physical Society.

Members of BPU are the National Physical Societies of Albania, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Montenegro, Moldova, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia and Turkey.

Traditionally, BPU Conferences are the International General Physics Conferences, open for participants from all over the world. The official language of the conference is English.

You are most welcome!

The program is available here. Some small changes in the program are still possible.

Latest news:
(27 May 2024)

  • The BPU11 Epilogue Meeting was held in Belgrade [more information]
  • IJMPA Vol, 38, No.2 – “On Beyond Classical Gravity and Field Theory: Contributions from the Balkan Congress` Fair” is published [more information]
  • EPJ Plus – Focus Point on Physics in the Balkans: Perspectives and Challenges is published [more information]
  • The BPU11 PoS Proceedings is published [more information]
  • PoS Information – Final check notice [more information]
  • The Europhyiscs News reported about the BPU11 [more information]
  • The CERN Courier reported about the BPU11[more information]
  • The BPU11 PoS proceedings – the new deadline is 31 January 2023 [more information]
  • Photos and videos are available here.
  • Invitation to contribute to the BPU11 PoS proceedings [more information]
  • The EPS website reports about the BPU11 Congress. Read more here.
  • The list of awarded posters is available here. The awards are provided by European Physical Journal (EPJ) and the SEENET-MTP Centre.
  • The organizers kindly ask all speakers and poster presenters to submit presentation materials (PDF or PPTX file with slides for oral sessions and PDF of the poster sessions). More information and guidelines are available here.
  • Virtual oral presentations: two solutions video conferencing services will be used Webex (in SASA Main hall and Hall 3) and Zoom (in all other halls). More details about access and testing time will be provided in the following days. It is recommended to send us recorded talks at least two days before the session, as a backup solution in case of technical problems.
  • The onsite poster presentations: the authors should prepare their posters in advance the maximal size is A1 (W:594, H:841 mm). Note that the venue does not provide a printing facility for posters.
  • The online poster presentation: the authors should prepare the poster as a PDF file – the same size as onsite participants or a short presentation.  For better visibility organizers recommend that all participants in the virtual poster sessions send a short (up to 3 minutes) video explaining their posters, no later than Sunday, 28 August 2022.