Submission of abstracts will be reopened from Monday, June 20 (at 12:00 am), to Saturday, June 25 (at 11:59 p.m.). Abstracts submitted during this period are primarily intended for poster sessions.
This short guide shows you how to submit your candidate Abstract for the BPU11 Congress. The abstract submission form is available here.
Before you can submit the abstract, you must create Indico account for the BPU11.

When you have the BPU11 Indico account you can proceed with abstract submission.

Enter a Title and the Content of your abstract. You can use plant text and standard LaTeX notation for symbols and equations (inside the $ … $ tag). The abstract should include no more than five references (AIP style).
Select the Contribution type, e.g. Oral or Poster presentation, and add the Author of the abstract. They can be more than one. Click on Speaker for at least one of your Authors. You can select an author from the list (if they have already registered the BPU11 Indico account) or add an author manually.
Please, check the order of authors and if all authors have all the necessary information (Family and first name, Affiliation, e-mail address).
The maximum length of the abstract is 3500 characters or 500 words.
Choose the Track (Scientific Section) your abstract belongs to and suggest an alternative scientific section if any.
More information and video instruction for an abstract submission process is available in the Official Indico documentation.
The number of abstracts is not limited, but we expect that there will be no more than 2 abstracts per participant. As a rule, one participant will have a possibility for one oral presentation.